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Unyielding Spirit in 47thMuktamar Anthem

Makassar – The anthem for the 47thMuktamarMuhammadiyah was created by Prof Din Syamsuddin and was sung by the students choir of UniversitasMuhammadiyah (Unismuh) Makassar, on the opening of Rapat Akbar PanitiaMuktamar ke-47 MuhammadiyahdanAisyiyah (Grand Meeting of the 47thMuktamarMuhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Committee) in Arena SidangMuktamarMuhammadiyahKampusUnismuh Makassar on Thursday (04/02).

The lyric of the song entitled Indonesia Berkemajuan was composed by Din Syamsuddin and the arrangement by a musician, DwikiDarmawan. It was sung twice under the request of the General Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah. “In this song, I deliberately included Dari Makassar ke Makassar, KhittahjadiPegangan, because it is the third time Makassar becomes the host for MuktamarMuhammadiyah,” explained Din. The Chairman of MUI also expressed his feeling that he also included the sentence: AnginMammiriBerhembusKencang, Layarphinisilebarberkembang, Walauombakbesarmenantang, Pantangsurutkebelakang, in order to encourage unyielding siprit of Muhammadiyah members in facing various challenges. “I want to raise the unyielding spirit for MuktamarMuhammadiyah and MuktamarAisyiyah in Makassar,” he concluded.

Makassar became the host for the first time in the 21st Annual Congress in 1932, which then appointed KH Ibrahim as the current Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah. Makassar (which at that time was called Ujung Pandang) became the host again for the 38thMuktamar in 1971, appointing KH AR Fachruddin as the Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah. MuktamarMuhammadiyah in 1971 that was held in Makassar delivered KhittahMuhammadiyah or GarisPerjuanganMuhammadiyah.


85 Percent Preparation

The Head of Receiving Committee for the 47thMuktamarMuhammadiyah and ‘Aisyiyah, Syaiful Salah, in his report stated that the opening of Muktamar would be held in LapanganKarebosi Makassar on August 3rd 2015 and they planned on inviting President JokoWidodo on the opening ceremony.

Furthermore, explained the Chairman of BPH Unismuh Makassar, MuktamarMuhammadiyah would be held in KampusUnismuh Makassar, while MuktamarAisyiyah would be held in BalaiPrajurit TNI Jend. M. Jusuf. “The preparedness of the place for MuktamarMuhammadiyah has reached 85 percent, but InsyaAllahwill be ready for the opening ceremony,” said Syaiful. The participants of MuktamarMuhammadiyah, he continued, would stay in ‘Hotel’ MenaraIqraUnismuh Makassar, while the participants of MuktamarAisyiyah would stay at Hotel Condotel.

“Hotel Condotel is a new and quite luxurious hotel. We deliberately arrange the accommodation for the participants of MuktamarAisyiyah in Hotel Condotel because we want to give the best service for the women of Aisyiyah,” said Syaiful, followed by laughter and applause from the other committee in the meeting. The grand meeting was attended by hundreds of participants, included the central committee, receiving committee, Muhammadiyah Regional Executive Board (Pimpinan Daerah Muhammadiyah/PDM) of South Sulawesi, Aisyiyah Regional Executive Board (Pimpinan Daerah Aisyiyah/PDA) of South Sulawesi, the Leaders of Amal Usaha Muhammadiyah (AUM) of South Sulawesi, and the Leaders of Provincial Muhammadiyah Youths (AngkatanMudaMuhammadiyah) of South Sulawesi. The Governor of Enrekang, Muslimin Bando, also attended the meeting and promised that he would give support in the form of transportation and vegetables aid.

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