Yogyakarta – The Chairman of Muhammadiyah Central Executive, YunaharIlyas, commented on the Islamic sites that were blocked by the government through the Ministry of Communication and Information. YunaharIlyas pressed National Authority for Terrorism Prevention (BadanNasionalPenanggulanganTerorisme/BNPT) to explain the definition of radicalism they meant so that they could avoid further misunderstanding.
“BNPT should have made press conference or press release on which Islamic sites they considered as radical and would be blocked, beforehand. So that people would be clear on which sites they consider as radical,” he said in the midst of Forum Discussion Group of the Council of Tarjih and PP ‘Aisyiyah on Muhammadiyah vision on women, from the theological and practical side (PandanganMuhammadiyahterhadapperempuan, darisegiTeologisdanpraksis) that was held at Gedung PP Muhammadiyah 3rd Floor, Yogyakarta on Saturday (04/04).
The government and BNPT should have invited the administrators of the media and sites they saw as radical, they should have been given guidance along with Islamic organization such as Muhammadiyah and NahdlatulUlama.
Yunahar explained that if the government and BNPT suddenly closed the sites they considered as radical without any communication or announcement, people could have bad judgment on BNPT’s current performance in preventing terrorism. “If this keeps up, they will not only block the sites, perhaps after this they will try to close magazine or newspaper publishers for Muslim they consider as radical,” he added.
YunaharIlyas also hoped that the government would not misdirect the act, in overcoming terrorism problems, especially regarding ISIS. “Muslims of Indonesia also do not agree with terrorism and violence by the name of Islam. People of Indonesia do not approve of ISIS’ action. Therefore, the government should be careful in monitoring this problem,” he said.
The Professor of FAI UMY was also unsure that Islamic sites such as Hidayatullah.com, Dakwahtuna, and so on were considered as radical. All of these sites had sites administrators that could be trusted. “Therefore, I hope the government would be more careful and aware of not to misdirect the preventive actions by equalizing all Islamic sites and rendered them all as radical,” concluded he. (dzar)