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Home/ News/ The Launching of Muchlas Abror's biography: Live to serve

The Launching of Muchlas Abror's biography: Live to serve

Yogyakarta- Principles of human life is a right for every human himself. This is an option and is closely associated with human’s personal. H. M Muchlas Abror made his life as a place to serve. Devoted to God continuously and to maintain friendliness, wisdom and humility.

Friday(09/23/2011), housed on the campus 1 of a University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) book launch of biography of Muchlas Abror was held. The event running from 19:00 to 22:00 o'clock was be a fun forum for ongoing discussion with enthusiasm. Attending the launch particularly Muchlas Abror, Mustofa W. Hashim, as the author team, Drs. Kasiyarno, M. Hum. as Rector of UAD, Muchlas M.T. UAD as the Vice Rector III, Drs Jabrohim, M.M. as the head of LSBO Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, and a few invited guests.

"Leadersmay come and go but the repertoire of leaders in Muhammadiyah and on the national stage is a mosaic which must be preserved and perpetuated. It is as a mirror and a window to the front and to foresee Muhammadiyah in the second century later," said Drs. M. Nurul Yamin, as the secretary in writing of biography Muchlas Abror in his speech.

"It's notan easy thing to reveal everything that is in personal of Pak Muchlas as his silent characters and the nature of his humble. If not then it does not sound beating. So there must be a trick to ask and I leave the questions in his house then he filled it," Mustofa W Hashim added.

The biographyof Muchlas Abror is expected later to be an inspiration and motivator for the readers. Many information are delivered through this book like life sciences, theology, science organization, also science propaganda.

(trans by hm-uhamka)

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