Medan- Muhammadiyah has no agenda to topple SBY's leadership. Even, the biggest Islamic mass organization commits to keep SBY's leadership who will end in 2014.
That was stated by the Secretary of Muhammadiyah Central Executive, Dr. Abdul Mukti, M.Ed, who acted as a speaker during silaturrahmi idul fitri of a big family of Muhammadiyah North Sulawesi at UMSU campus (25/9).
Abdul Mukti says that so far Muhammadiya has criticized SBY's leadership, and it doesn't mean Muhammadiyah wants to topple SBY. The criticism is Muhammadiyah's responsibility as an amar makruf nahi mungkar (to do good deeds and abandon bad ones) movement. Muhammadiyah is convinced that the criticism can control the government from going out of Indonesians' demand and will.
In his speech before the big family of Muhammadiyah from several regions in North Sumatera, Abdul Mukti said that in the near future Muhammadiyah will do national consolidation in Jogjakarta. The event that will be attended by Provincial Executives of Muhammadiyah from all over Indonesia will formulate some thoughts, especially in responding on the difference of 1 Syawwal.
According to Abdul Mukti, Central Executive of Muhammadiyah has made a decision to give input to the government by stating that the government should not interfere worship because it belongs to ubudiyah (ritual). Concerning the decision of 1 syawwal, according to Mukti, Muhammadiyah will propose that the government should determine national holiday for Idul Fitri, not determine 1 Syawal. So, people are given freedom in deciding the time for Eid-al-Fitr prayer.
(trans by hamzah - uhamka)