Yogyakarta – The General Chairman of Muhammadiyah Central Executive, Prof. Dr. M. Din Syamsuddin expected Muhammadiyah to be a distinguished Islamic organization. If on the previous hundred year Muhammadiyah aimed to become an advanced Islamic organization, then on the second century Din expected Muhammadiyah to not only be an advanced Islamic organization, but also a distinguished organization.
This was stated when he became the keynote speaker in a Pre-47thMuhammadiyahMuktamar Seminar “Muhammadiyah, Civil Society, dan Negara; ArahPemikirandanGerakan Abad Kedua,” which was held on Saturday (04/25) at GedungPascasarjana of UMY, KampusTerpadu UMY.
According to Din, it was time for Islam and Muslims to become the symbol and factor of excellence. Therefore, he hoped that Muhammadiyah become a distinguished Islamic organization. “Muhammadiyah remains on the ideals that were formulated since its establishment by the founder, KH. Ahmad Dahlan, which was advanced Islamic organization and we should not change that. However, I expect that on the second century, we will have a little improvement, not only as advanced Islamic organization but also a distinguished one. Because being advanced does not always mean being distinguished and excellent,” he explained.
Din also stated that if we talked about excellence, it was not only comparative or competitive excellence, it was also dynamic excellence. Distinguished Islamic organization that would be able to overcome the challenges and the changes of the era. “Thus, in advanced and distinguished Islamic organization here is the existence of dynamic factor. The term of advanced here surpassed time and space in order to bring the Islamic missions. Because rahmatanlil ‘alamin was related to the dynamics of the era,” he explained further. (bhpUMY) (mac)