Yogyakarta- The Chairman of Tarjih and Tajdid PP Muhammadiyah. Syamsul Anwar, says that with lots of existing methods in deciding the beginning of Hijriyah (Islamic calendar), up to now Muhammadiyah is still consistent in using hisab wujudul hilal that has been adopted by the council of Tarjih and Tajdid PP Muhammadiyah in deciding the beginning of Hijriyah since long time ago.
According to Syamsul Anwar during National Muhammadiyah Consolidation, the use of hisab wujudul hilal method is already proper because using the method, international Hijriyah unification can be done. “Using rukyat method divides the world into two time zones and cannot be done in the northern and southen part where the moon and sun shine all the time,” he said on Wednesday (28/09/2011). Using hisab imkanur rukyat method offered by the government, according to Syamsul Anwar, has some weaknesses. One of them is uneasiness to make decision when hilal is under 2 degrees. On the contrary, when hilal is more than 2 degrees or more but no person sees it, it could also be a problem.
Syamsul Anwar also says that using the method proposed by the government, 18 years later, Idul Adha will be different 10 times with Arab Saudi. "There will be more differences in deciding Idul Adha with Saudi Arabia 18 years later, namely 14 times when using imkanur rukyat 4 degrees method proposed by Thomas Djamaluddin,” he said. By using hisab wujudul hilal method adopted by Muhammadiyah, according to Syamsul Anwar, possible differences 18 years later with Arab Saudi will be 4 times.
(trans by hamzah - uhamka)