Makassar -Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Centre (MDMC) had been running the program “Hospital Preparedness and Community Readiness for Emergency and Disaster” (HPCRED) since January 2015.
The program wassupported by Australia Indonesia Facility for Disaster Reduction (AIFDR) and National Disaster Management Agency) and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (BNPB). Some hospitals beneficiaries of this program were the'Aisyiyah Islam Hospital Malang, Muhammadiyah Hospital Gresik, Siti Khadijah Hospital Makassar, and Muhammadiyah Hospital Lamongan.
Tim manajemen area Makassar bersama manajemen nasional HPCRED menggelar kegiatan Pelatihan Koordinator Operasi Medis Darurat (KOMD) di ruang Hotel Horison Ultima Makassar, Selasa – Kamis, (21-23/4). Acara ini diikuti 30 peserta terdiri dari perwakilan RS Siti Khadijah 1, TBM (Tim Bantuan Medis) Fakultas Kedokteran Unismuh Makassar, TBM Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muslim Indonesia Makassar, Akper dan Akbid Muhammadiyah, BPBD Makassar, Dinas Kesehatan Makassar dan juga perwakilan dari LPB Wilayah Sulawesi Selatan.
Makassarmanagement team together with the national management of HPCRED hold training activities of Emergency Medical Operations Coordinator in the Teratairoom of Horison Ultima Hotel Makassar on Tuesday - Thursday (21-23 / 4). This event was attended by 30 participants consisting of representatives of the RS Siti Khadijah 1, Medical Assistance Team of Faculty of Medicine of University of Muhamammadiyah Makassar, Medical Assistance Team of Faculty of MedicineUniversity of Muslim Indonesia Makassar, Academy of NursingandMidwifery of Muhammadiyah, MDMC Makassar, Makassar Health Agency and representatives of Disaster Administration Institution of South Sulawesi.
MustariBasra, Muhammadiyah Provincial Executive of South Sulawesi in the opening of this event stated that Muhammadiyah with one of its trademark, tajdid movement, was able to set up a disaster management institution that was a concern for the misery of the people.
"Withthis HPCRED program, disastermanagement become familiar. So when facing any disaster, there is readiness in the medical community as well as emergency response teams," said Mustari.
RahmawatiHussein, the deputy chairman of Muhammadiyah Disaster Administration Institution as well as the national coordinator of HPCRED program gave his gratitude to the Muhammadiyah Regional Executive of Makassar that supported the implementation of this program.
"This event is very important for hospital preparedness and expectations so that the community can be involved in the follow-up activities in this program. In addition to this training, the expected team will also be formed into medical emergency response team in Eastern Indonesia, "said Rahmawati.
The trainingactivities of Hospital Preparedness and Community Readiness for Emergency and Disasterwas previously also held in Surabaya, followed by Aisyiyah Hospital Malang, Muhammadiyah Hospital Gresik and also the stakeholders associated with this program. (mona) (Dhar)
Tags: disaster, mdmc, muhammadiyah disaster administration, makassar, training, medical