Jakarta –Muhammadiyah orthopedic doctor, anesthetic doctor, and anesthetic nurse today left for Nepal as a part of delegations from Indonesia for humanity aid for the earthquake victims in Nepal. The team that was formed under the coordination of National Disaster Management Body (BadanNasionalPenanggulanganBencana/BNPB) would be the first Indonesian team that involved many elements, including for TNI Medical Team, equipped with field surgery hospital equipment.
Muhammadiyah’s mission right now was a part of Muhammadiyah Aid program that was formulated together with Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center (MDMC) and LAZISMU, as a humanity program for international level. The personnel involved in this mission were drIndraGiriSpAn from RS Islam Jakarta Pondok Kopi, drMeikyFredianto from RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta and Noor KuntoAribowo from RS PKU MuhammadiyahBantul. The team would depart from BandaraHalimPerdanakusuma this afternoon after a briefing at Graha BNPB, JlPramuka, Central Jakarta.
H. Budi Setiawan, the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center (MDMC) stated that Muhammadiyah’s commitment in helping the victims in Nepal was the form of realization of Muhammadiyah members’ commitment in Islamic experience, especially the spirit of Al Maun that became the foundation of Muhammadiyah members’ spirit in overcoming humanity problems together wherever it was. “When we faced the earthquake in Yogyakarta in 2006, Tsunami Aceh 2004, and other natural disasters, we received help from the people of the world. Muhammadiyah felt that when natural disaster strikes, wherever it is, it also instills our humanity to do something,” he explained.
“Alhamdulillah we are able to do something for Nepal Earthquake, with the support of Muhammadiyah Hospital and the donation from both Muhammadiyah members and people in general, our doctors and nurses are able to leave for Nepal through official Indonesian delegates,” Budi Setiawan further explained. Became a part of humanity aid package for Nepal, MDMC collaborated with LAZISMU in preparing disaster aid reaching US$ 10,000, which were in the form of humanity aids such as blankets for families, remembering that the refugees would stay in emergency shelters in the midst of 5degree celcius temperature.
Meanwhile, the Vice Chairman of MDMC, RahmawatiHusein PhD added that Muhammadiyah’s commitment was a part of intensive coordination between MDMC and BNPB and the Ministry of Health and Humanitarian Forum Indonesia. “With the assistance by Humanitarian Forum Indonesia, Muhammadiyah can become an official partner for Indonesian team for humanity aid to abroad,” explained Rahmawati. In many occasions, our mission was similar to BNPB and Ministry of Health, including the discussion of health SOP clusters and the program for RumahSakitAman and the training for Medical Officers, which becomes the commitment for Muhammadiyah as the strength for Muslims in Indonesia that has the biggest medical resources,” continued Rahmawati.
Muhammadiyah held a fundraising activity for Nepal Earthquake Aid (BantuanGempa Nepal) through bank accounts: Mandiri1230099008999 | BCA 8780171171 | BNI Syariah 0091539444 under the name ofLAZIS MuhammadiyahKemanusiaan. The information update could be accessed through www.lazismu.org andwww.mdmc.or.id.
MuhammadiyahAID was a humanity work program for overseas. This program was coordinated by MDMC. LazisMU was the fundraising organization under the supervision of Muhammadiyah Central Executive. The accountability of financial report could be accessed through www.lazismu.organd the field activities through www.mdmc.or.id.