Friday, 20 September 2024
Home/ News/ Through National Disaster Management Agency, MDMC Team Has Prepared the Operational of Emergency Hospital in Nepal

Through National Disaster Management Agency, MDMC Team Has Prepared the Operational of Emergency Hospital in Nepal


Kathmandu –Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center Team that consisted of dr. Indra Giri (pediatrician) of Jakarta Islamic Hospital Pondok Kopi, dr. Meiky Fredianto of PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Yogyakarta and Noor Kunto Aribowo of PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in Bantul had arrived in Nepal and directly coordinated with international institutions related to the establishment of the Emergency Hospital  with National Disaster Management Agency Team.

According to ArifNurkholis, the Secretary MDMC or Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Institute, when contacted by telephone, said that currently the team still gained discussion with WHO, the Ministry of Health Nepal as well as other related institutions and performed related assessment what could be done there. The discussion gained to make the precision and plans more mature so that it would maximize the results to be achieved. "At this moment, we've received words from the team there, it means that we (MDMC) along with National Disaster Management Agency will provide health care services by establishing an emergency hospital and conducted operations in Gorkha district west of Kathmandu about a six hour drive. However, the certainty of establishment will depend on the second team that is leaving today (1/5). Vice Chairman MDMC, Rachmawati Hussein, also come along with the team," he said.

From the photossent to the website editor, MDMC team looked discussing with Nepal Muslim volunteers and performed Friday prayer in a mosque in Khatmandu, Nepal. MDMC initial team planned to stay in Nepal for fourteen days after the starting time of the first departure. (Mac)

Muhammadiyahraised Earthquake Aid Nepal through Mandiri account 1230099008999 | BCA account 8780171171 | BNI Syariah account 0091539444 on behalf of LAZIS Muhammadiyah Kemanusiaan. Update information through and

Tags:muhammadiyah, muhammadiyahaid, muktamar47, lazismu, nepal, kathmandu, earthquake



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