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Home/ News/ University of Muhammadiyah Malang Gives Award to Lecturers until College Students who Gain Achievement

University of Muhammadiyah Malang Gives Award to Lecturers until College Students who Gain Achievement

Malang – National Education Daybecame the moment for the University of Muhammadiyah Malang for giving awards to the lecturers, staffs, and college students who gained achievement. Besides, it also gave awards to the lecturers and staffs who had served for 25 years.

Accompanied by Vice RectorI, II, and III, Rector Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Effendy, MAP gave awards to the recipients, Saturday (2/5) at heliped of University of Muhammadiyah Malang. For this year, the first second and third ranked outstanding lecturers in a row were won by Dr. Ir. Sharif Husein MP from the Department of Agro Technology Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Dr. Ainur Rofieq Kes from the Department of Biology, Faculty of Education Teacher Training and Education (Guidance and Counseling) , and Dr Asep Nurjaman MSi from the Department of Administration Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.

In addition to theoutstanding lecturers, the rector also gave awards to the Head of Study Program with achievement. The first rank was achieved by Dr. Yuni Pantiawati MM MPd from Department of Education of Biology, while the second and third winner was Ida Nuraini SE MSI from the Department of Economic Development, Faculty of Economics and Business and Mochammad Wahid STP MSc from the Department of Food Science and Technology.

Forthe outstanding employees, the first winner was achieved by Hj. Lili Chalimatul from Finance Bureau. The second one was  achieved by Hj. Ani Herwatin, SSos from Library and Information Unit. The third one was Dra. Rahmawatiningsih from Academic Administration Bureau. The fourth was Patmawati Spd of Biomedical Laboratory Faculty of Medicine. The fifth was Choirul Amin Setyadi of the Mosque Commonwealth Agency, and the sixth was Saifuddin from the Security section.

Theaward to the college students went to Lutfiyah Al-Qarani of the Department of International Relations Faculty of Social. While the second was achieved by Nungki Samahah Kurniawati, the third was Neni Hartinah Dwitati of the Department of Pharmacy Faculty of Health Sciences, the fourth was Vernanda Lutfi Kurniawan from Accounting Department, and the fifth Noor Sukmo Ayu Lestari of ITP FPP.

The outstanding Lecturers, Chief of the faculty Yasmin, and college students would go forward to represent University of Muhammadiyah Malang to the level of Kopertis VII East Java. Rector advised that the award recipients remain humble, and continued to improve its quality in the future. (Zul / han)


Tags: muhammadiyah, hardiknas, umm, malang

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