Purwokerto – The pre-Muktamar seminar that was held by the Muhammadiyah Central Executive in various Muhammadiyah universities became the strategic thoughts modal for Muhammadiyah to make a concrete step in its second century.
That was delivered by the Rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto (UMP) Syamsuhadi Irsyad, when he delivered his opening speech in the Pre-Muktamar seminar that was held at Aula UMP, Purwokerto, Central Java, on Saturday (05/09). Of the Pre-Muktamar Seminar, according to Syamsuhadi Irsyad, they were be able to collect the thoughts, ideas, and brilliant thinking of Muhammadiyah and non-Muhammadiyah public figures regarding the profile and challenges faced by Muhammadiyah as of today. “It is hoped that from the (pre-Muktamar) seminar, we will be able to collect materials that will bring collective improvement for the second century that has started some years ago,” he explained. The seminar chain event with different topics and various keynote speakers, and the rotating seminar location between Muhammadiyah University and ‘Aisyiyah also made them able to contribute and to collect varieties of thoughts.
Furthermore, according to Syamsuhadi Irsyad, various thoughts that were collected in the Pre-Muktamar would become the strategy and model for movement that would be able to be relayed to the public in general, and acquire the real benefits. “The thoughts collected through pre-Muktamar seminar are hoped to become the strategy and modal for the new social movement inspiring Muhammadiyah to realize developed Indonesia according to the main theme. The result of the Thoughts should be also skillful to be able to develop in structured formal level so that Muhammadiyah would be able to rise and bring improvement to its surroundings and things that people would need,” he explained. Pre-Muktamar Seminar that was held at Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto took the theme of “Strategi dan Model Gerakan Sosial Baru: Inspirasi Muhammadiyah Menuju Dunia Berkemajuan” with keynote speakers, among them were the Former Director of LAZISMU, Ahmad Imam Mujadid Rais, the Chairman of Social Empowerment Council of Muhammadiyah Central Executive (Majelis Pemberdayaan Masyarakat PP Muhammadiyah) Said Tuhuleley, Zaenuddin Maliki the former Rector of UM Surabaya, and other presenters who came from various academic background and practitioners. (mac)