Purwokerto– Towards the 47th Muhammadiyah Congress in Makassar, University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto held a pre-conferenceseminar entitled " Strategies and Model of New Social Movement: Muhammadiyah Inspiration to the Advanced World" in the hall AK. Anshori, Headquarters of University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto on Saturday (9/5).
SyamsuhadiErshad, the Rector of University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, said that as a Muhammadiyah University mandated by Muhammadiyah to hold the pre-conference seminar, he hoped to provide different material, bringing together progress, benefiting both the Muhammadiyah environment and the nation.
Rectors assured, the existence of Muhammadiyah in the midst of massive globalization must be more and more important, to develop themselves. He thought that Muhammadiyah should be able to read the direction and influence of globalization for social movements. "Muhammadiyah should bring progress to the surrounding environment, develop the mandate of Muhammadiyah and take an active role in building the nation and state," he said. Through this seminar, it is also expected to obtain their views, ideas, strategies, and models of new social movements. A formula that would be very useful for Muhammadiyah in affirming its identity as a social movement of Islamization that provided colors in global development.
AhmadImam Mujadid Rais, the Secretary of Muhammadiyah Charity, Donation, and Alms Institution, emphasized the importance of the use of social media. According to him, the challenge that was faced by Muhammadiyah was no longer NU (Nahdatul Ulama). "Make NU and other social organizations as a fighting partner. Muhammadiyah challenge now was social media because the youngsters prefer to listen to lectures via social media than in the mosque, "he said.
Raisexpected that Muhammadiyah scholars, who rarely used social media, had to adapt with the present era. "One characteristic of AdvancedIslam was the delivery through the media," he said firmly. (dzar)
Tags: seminar, pre-conference, muktamar47, Muhammadiyah, ump, purwokerto, advanced