Jakarta– The 47th of Muhammadiyah and 'Aisyiyah Congress that would take place on August 3-,7 2015 in Makassar, wouldbe officially closed by Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla. Jusuf Kalla would also specifically give a series of lectures in the 'Aisyiyah Congress which was the first century of Aisyiyah Conference
This was conveyed byDin Syamsuddin, the General Chairman of Muhammadiyah Central Executive, in a press conference held at the Vice Presidential Palace Complex, after the meeting of Muhammadiyah along with Vice President Jusuf Kalla, on Tuesday (12/5). "We had been officially invited Mr. JK (Jusuf Kalla) to attend and close the congress of Muhammadiyah and 'Aisyiyah, and Insya Allah he is willing to attend," said Din Shamsuddin. Muhammadiyah Congress that took the theme “Enlightenment Movement For the Advanced Indonesia” would be opened by the President of Republic Indonesia on August 3rd, 2015 preceded with a series of Pre-Congress events.
Inhis silaturahim into the Vice Presidential Palace, Din Syamsuddin was accompanied by Board of Muhammadiyah Central Executive, Agung Danarto (General Secretary), Zamroni (the Chairman of the Central Committee of the Congress and also the General Treasurer), Haedar Nasir (Chairman of Muhammadiyah Central Executive), Abdul Mu'ti (Secretary), Anwar Abbas (Deputy Treasurer), General Chairman of the Aisyiyah Central Executive, as well as Alwi Uddin (the Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Regional Executiveof South Sulawesi). (mac)
Tags: muhammadiyah, 47th conference