Bantul – Dewan Pimpinan Daerah of Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhamamdiyah of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DPD IMM DIY), some times ago started the Regional Coordination Meeting (Rapat Koordinasi Daerah/RAKORDA) by holding General Stadium with the theme “Ada Apa Dibalik Gerakan Radikalisme” at SKB Bantul on Saturday (05/02).
The general stadium presented two speakers Immawan Wahyudi (Vice Regent of Gunung Kidul), Kapolda DIY, and Tokoh Muda Muhammadiyah Ahmad Muttaqin. DPD IMM DIY through general stadium forum hoped to become a big container to uniform the perception on the danger of radicalism which kept growing in the midst of people.
According to the Secretary of DPD IMM DIY Muhammad Habibi Miftakhul Marwa, religious radicalism had been the problem when it was an activity that ended with violence. “Because the meaning of radicalism has been blurry. In fact, radicalism means understanding in-depth and in broader meaning, it has changed into something brutal and anarchic,” he explained.
Radicalism should be prevented because it disrupted the stability of social-cultural, politics, law, and economy. IMM DIY made serious efforts for prevention and dealingwith problems on radicalism through persuasive, educative, and preventive ways.
Social religious movement promoted by IMM DIY that targeted the young generation should be made according to religious purpose, with spirit of nationalism and patriotism, and with nationality insight. Therefore, it was precisely correct that IMM as a part of young generation who would be the nation’s future to be also responsible in giving understanding in order to create better future for the Nation without any form of violence.
Furthermore, in RAKORDA DPD IMM DIY was also used as a tool for regional coordination with IMM cadres in DIY in order to formulate and equate collective movement in succeeding regional, organization, and bonding development, which was expanding da’wah movement for IMM by establishing district executives (pimpinan cabang) in Gunung Kidul and Bantul, contribution of IMM in the development of DIY and socialization and synergy of work programs of DPD IMM DIY with the cadres of IMM amongst districts/kabupaten. (dzar)