Jakarta – In building a life structure, humans need spiritual modal so that they would be granted spiritual power and stamina. Spirituality was the main foundation of civilization that was far from every form of immorality and corruption. This became the main meaning of the journey of Isra Mi’raj Nabi Muhammad SAW.
It was stated by the Secretary of Muhammadiyah Central Executive Abdul Mu’ti on his opening speech via phone call on Sunday (05/17). Abdul Mu’ti explained that Isra Mi’raj was a spiritual journey so that humans would have the power to live their lives, although it was not easy to do. Historically speaking, Nabi Muhammad SAW did Isra Mi’raj in his eleventh year after becoming a prophet. “A year before Isra Mi’raj, Nabi Muhammad went through difficulties in his life by the passing of Khadijah and Abu Thalib, two most meritorious people in his life and his struggle. A year after, Nabi Muhammad did the hijrah,” he said.
Furthermore, Abdul Mu’ti stated that on Isra Mi’raj, Nabi Muhammad received Revelation for shalat (prayer). Shalat made humans to always be close to Allah so that they would remain in the right path. “Shalat drive humans to always do good deeds and do the best in everything. This is the meaning of shalat in today’s life reality,” he explained.(dzar) (mac)