Bengkulu – The existence of the mass media was crucial for Muhammadiyah in efforts to carry out its mission in "enlightenment movement towards advanced Indonesia". Until now, not only the citizens of Muhammadiyah, but also the Muslims in general, had not been able to ownm a mass media that could contribute greatly in developing the organization's range of motion. In the future, Muhammadiyahhad to own a strong media and was able to use it for the sake of da’wah, the Islamic movement which was rahmatan lil Alamin.
Similarly, the view was raised in the 47th Muhammadiyah pre-congress seminar entitled "Convergence of Media and Cultural Globalization, Enlightenment or Tricking" held at University of Muhammadiyah Bengkulu on Saturday, May 16, 2014. The event, along with the thanksgiving event of the university in grabbing Accreditation B, was featuring speaker Prof. Dr. Nasir Hardar (Chairman of Muhammadiyah Central Executive), Dr. Indra J Piliang, MSi (political and communications analyst), Dr. Salahuddin Yahya (lecturer of University of Muhammadiyah Bengkulu), Dra. Eni Khairani, MSi (Regional Representatives Council of Indonesia), Dr. Erwin Santoso (lecturer at the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta), Dr Usman Yatim, MPd. MSc (lecturer of Communication Faculty of University of Prof. Dr. Moestopo Beragama Jakarta), and Dedi Wahyudi (Media).
Prof. Dr. Haedar Nashir as keynote speaker said that the topics discussed at the seminar was a crucial problem. The presence of the media, especially in the era of media convergence, was a reality that could not be avoided. At one side, the media in the context of dissemination of information was very important for da’wah instrument, giving intelligence and enlightenment. Instead, on the other hand, the media became a problem, such as bringing out an artificial reality that collided with moral issues. If it was necessary to bring out tabayyun attitude, prioritizing the right information, the media often elicited information that was not based on the facts, slander or pitting. Similarly, there were many information that was ghibah, entertainment, away from an effort to educate and enlighten people.
According to Haedar Nashir, Muhammadiyah as a missionary movement had to take a role in utilizing the mass media. In the reality now, especially associated with the convergence of media, it should be admitted that we missed in the media ownership. "This is an issue of Islam," said the General Leader of Suara Muhammadiyah. Media owned by only Muhammadiyah had not been fully accepted by its members. This problem was related to the weak sense of belonging, an attitude of militancy which needed to be strengthened. Haedar reminded that we should emulate the spirit of Minang people who had been successful in business. The products might be not in a good quality, but they were still eager to consume it. Even if the price was more expensive because of the product was made by themselves, they still wanted to buy it. "We must have a more robust media," said Haedar, while reminding the challenge of Muhammadiyah in the next 5 years would be greater. As a missionary movement, Muhammadiyah should continue to build on the spirit of Islam that was cosmopolitan, not cramped. Muhammadiyah implemented enlightenment movement, change. "Muhammadiyah Da'wah is liberating, empowering, making advancedIndonesia," said Prof. Haedar.
Indra J Piliang that specifically addressed social media said that the presence of the media at this time was growing rapidly as the dissemination of information and communication technology advanced. Anyone could now disseminate information through the media, especially social media which could be accessed from mobile devices. Cultural globalization occurred because of the advances in the development of information that could be positive and negative. Now we had the choice, whether we had to accept or reject. Exemplified by Indra, China, in an effort to prevent foreign infiltration, prohibited the existence of social media such as facebook and twitter, and they brought their own version of social media. "I check it out myself, China is capable in blocking the pornography sites," said Golkar politicians.
According to Indra, to stop social media was an extreme option that was difficult in Indonesia because there would always be the new ones came up. He reminded that rich people in the world, such as Bill Gates, engaged in the development of communication and information technology, so that its development continued and difficult to be dammed. "If we stop it in an extreme way, we will be a closed nation, back to the stone age. Did we want to get there? Well, now we are again bustling with agate," said Indra who claimed to live inside the Muhammadiyah family. "The mass media, social media have a lot of influence, positive and negative. Many political figures were got tricked by the media because of media owners' interests. But they also need the media for the imagery, "said Indra J Piliang.
Usman Yatim who appeared at the end of the seminar said that Muhammadiyah would not have to enter the vortex of media convergence that was now dominated by media conglomerates. Development and control of the opinions in all fields, whether political, economic or cultural, almost all determined by the mass media in the network of media convergence. Convergence was not only a kind of mainstream of the mass media (print and electronic) but also at the same time the social media. The strong dominance of the media conglomerate could be, organizations such as Muhammadiyah felt insecure, helpless so it did not seek to become part of one of the owners. Yet seen from the charity and services asset owned by the network, Muhammadiyah had great potential, in the ownership of media convergence network. "If Muhammadiyah is not able to get out or break the chain of failure to develop the media, particularly the mass media, then we will continue to complain, powerless to face the globalization of culture," said Usman Yatim, Head of the Media Center of Muhammadiyah Central Executive.
According to Usman Yatim, the existence of tvMu belonged to Muhammadiyah could be the forerunner of Muhammadiyah's involvement in the development of media convergence. tvMu was expected to develop its network by involving as many charity and service of Muhammadiyah, especially college which now was about 176 and 41 of them was formed of university. The large number of citizens of Muhammadiyah and related to the charity and services of Muhammadiyah was the basis for having a reliable media. "The statement of Prof Haedar Nasir that we must have a strong media and citizens who feel they have had militancy should be socialized," said Usman Yatim.
He added that the potential for a sizeable advertising from the charity and services of Muhammadiyah should be channeled to tvMu. Only to be reminded, tvMu and other media owned by Muhammadiyah need to be managed professionally, seriously, not half-hearted. Policy commitment of the leadership of Muhammadiyah from central to local level was also very decisive. "This is our main problem. Are we willing to seriously develop media ownership? Is it later, just after the congress, tvMu could be disappeared? “said Usman Yatim.
H. Ahmad Dasan SH MA, Rector ofUniversity of Muhammadiyah Bengkulu, in the report said that the university was very pleased and proud of the seminar which is associated with the effort to liven the 47th Muhammadiyah Congress in Makassar, August 3 to 7 2015. As a university that just holds accreditation B, it would continue to gain self-development. "Now the University of Muhammadiyah Bengkulu has already aligned with the well-known universities in Sumatra," said Ahmad Dasan. (pr)
Tags: seminar, pre-congress, muhammadiyah, media