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Muhammadiyah Intellectualism Development in Open Society

Yogyakarta – Opening of the 29th Tarjih National Conference and the 47th Muhammadiyah Pre-Congress Seminar that was organized by the University of Muhammadiyah Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) in cooperation with Tarjih and Tajdid (Law and Reformation) Councilof Muhammadiyah Central Executives was a pre-congress activities followed by hundreds of participants from all over Indonesia. It was held at the Inna Garuda Hotel Yogyakarta, Wednesday (20/5).

With the themes of Muhammadiyah Tajdid dynamic and Intellectualism Development in Open Society the Open Society, Kasiyarno Tarjih, the Rector of UAD, welcomed the National Conference participants who participated in the pre-congress seminar because UAD was part of a host of pre-congress seminar in a whole series of pre-congress seminar of Muhammadiyah Central Executives.

According to Syamsul Anwar, the Chairman of Tarjih and Tajdid (Law and Reformation) Councilof Muhammadiyah Central Executives, the 29th, Tarjih National Conference gained the theme of strengthening of spirituality and disaster response towards advanced society. The entire activities held in LPMP DIY in Kalasan. "Jurisprudence (Fiqih) of disaster, guidance of Sholat, and work programs will be discussed in the 29th Tarjih National Conference”, he said.

Syamsul Anwar added that the fiqih not only discussed the laws, but also enriched the science.

Tarjih National Conference activitiy that was opened by Din Syamsuddin, the General Chairman of Muhammadiyah Central Executives, held since last Tuesday (19/5) until Friday (22/5). The results Tarjih National Conference would certainly be used as the reference in the life of Muhammadiyah. Tarjih and Tajdid (Law and Reformation) Councilwould make tanfiz of the results, and then submitted to the Muhammadiyah Central Executives to be strengthened with the official decree. Tarjih hoped Muhammadiyah members gave contribution in publishing the results. (dzar)


Tags: tarjih national conference, seminars, pre-conference, fiqih

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