Yogyakarta – Universal character of nature Islamic orientation coincided on the humanism insight. Islamic humanism as the religious humanism of Islam was very relevant to put forward as the basic of our movement. Muhammadiyah through MDMC was there without looking at the background of the disaster victims. This was the Islamic religious humanism, providing humanitarian assistance regardless of the background of the victims.
It was presented by Din Syamsuddin, the General Chairman of Muhammadiyah Central Executives, in the opening of the 29th Tarjih National Conference as well as at the XV edition of the Muhammadiyah Pre-Conference Seminar as the host of University of Ahmad Dahlan at the Inna Garuda Hotel, Jl Malioboro 60 Yogyakarta, Wednesday (20/5).
Al Ma'un theology, according to Din was promoting unity, run together commanding the good and forbidding the evil (amar ma’ruf nahi munkar). Keep each other human beings, not just between the Muslims.
Tarjih and Tajdid (Law and Reformation) Councilformed the Muhammadiyah Tarjih Committee (a group of senior ulemas of Indonesian Muhammadiyah) of which role helped the council and provided input to the Muhammadiyah Central Executive. This was called dynamicization of Muhammadiyah tajdid.
Disaster jurisprudence, Din added, was not just how the emergency response, rehabilitation and reconstruction. However, this time it was how to avoid a disaster, how to prepare the human in facing the disaster, the overall aspects of it was wrapped in a natural religious mind. It was called as Jurisprudence disaster. Jurisprudence disaster had to be thorough.
The 47th Pre-Conference Seminar in Inna Garuda Yogyakarta was one of a series of pre-congress seminars held by the Muhammadiyah Central Executive, in cooperation with the University of Ahmad Dahlan in Yogyakarta. Tarjih National Conference itself held until Friday (22/5) at LPMP DIY. (dzar)
Tags: disaster jurisprudence, Muhammadiyah, tarjih national conference, seminars, pre-conference, 47th conference.