Denpasar – Muhammadiyah Provincial Executive of Bali just recently held an event that combined entertainment-religious lecture (tausiyah)-charity with the theme of “Belajar Sepanjang Hayat untuk Indonesia Berkemajuan” (Lifelong Learning for Progressive Indonesia). The event that was held on Saturday night (05/16) at GOR Lila Buana Denpasar was attended by no less than 3000 people.
Thousands students of Muhammadiyah/’Aisyiyah schools from Kindergarten, Elementary, Junior High, Senior High, and Vocational Schools filled the Stadium joining with their guardians, members, committee, sympathizers of Muhammadiyah. PWM also invited some Social Organizations, the Caretaker of Mosque/Mushalla, honored Public Figures, and the Committee of Majelis Taklim.
The Chairman of PWM Bali, Sukirman said that Muhammadiyah was a movement. Therefore, Muhammadiyah would not stand still, always kept moving, and did whatever they could to serve the people.
Sukirman added that the event was held for the sake of social service, which was to renovate the building of TK Aisyiyah 3, SD Muhammadiyah 3, and SMP Muhammadiyah 2, which were located at Jalan Gunung Merbuk Monang Maning, Denpasar. There were approximately 1600 students in those three schools. It was needed to complement the facilities and infrastructures so that they were able to perform a conducive, quality, and high competitive teaching and learning process.
According to the Head of the Committee, Takwalin, the purpose of this Simfoni Akbar (Great Symphony) was for syiar, building ukhuwah, and solidarity among people, fundraising for education facilities, as well as syiar for the 47th Muktamar Muhammadiyah and ‘Aisyiyah on Makassar in 2015. “The renovation fund need billions of rupiahs, therefore, we need to do fundraising in many halal (righteous) ways to attract more donators. The committee opened an account in Bank Muamalat district Denpasar, 7510011090 under the name of Panitia Pembangunan TK ABA 3, SDM 3, SMPM 2 Denpasar,” added Takwalin who was also the Vice Chairman 1 of ‘Aisyiyah Provincial Executive of Bali.
Fatin entertained the audience with her religious songs, continued with Enlightenment from the General Chairman of Muhammadiyah Central Executive, Din Syamduddin, who encouraged many donators to reach into their pockets. Din’s words were able to provoke many donators who were committed to donate.
Besides selling entry tickets, the committee also received funds from the sponsors, charity box distribution to the audiences, and the commitment of the donators as the idea from the General Chairman of Muhammadiyah Central Executive who was also the Central Chairman of Majelis Ulama Indonesia.
PP Muhammadiyah Inaugurated AUM in Gianyar, Bali
The Secretary General of Muhammadiyah Central Executive, Agung Danarto, continued some activities that were held by PWM Bali. Besides doing Subuh lectures at Masjid Baitul Makmur that was located in the same ground as TK ABA 3, SDM 3, and SMPM 2 Denpasar, on 8 a.m. Agung Danarto continued the placing of the first tile at SMP Muhammadiyah 1, SMA Muhammadiyah 1, and SMK Muhammadiyah Denpasar that was located at Jalan Batanta 80 Denpasar. Muhammadiyah Central Executive was also scheduled to inaugurate the opening of UMKM Surya Mart Waterboom Bukit Jati Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali. (dzar)