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‘Aisyiyah Role Actualization to Second Century

Sleman – Seminar Pre Muktamar 1 abad ‘Aisyiyah that was held on Saturday (05/23) at STIKES ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta brought up the theme of Progressive Muslim Women Movement, ‘Aisyiyah Role Actualization to Second Century. The General Chairman of PP ‘Aisyiyah, SitiNoordjanahDjohantini wanted to affirm and strengthen that ‘Aisyiyah was as a progressive Muslim Women movement.

“’Aisyiyah and Muhammadiyah has brought the values and spirit of Progressive Islam. That ‘Aisyiyah as the world Muslim Women organization needs to have re-actualization, do renewal process towards the da’wah process of ‘Aisyiyah in the second century,” she explained.

She said, ‘Aisyiyah should always develop and did not only talk about women issues, ‘Aisyiyah women should also be progressive in social, political, and economic aspects.

‘Aisyiyah was lucky to have passed the first century and headed toward the second century. Remembering that there would be countless of problems and challenges in the future that would be more complex, it was hoped that in heading towards the second century, ‘Aisyiyah would be able to do reconstruction in the thoughts and practice of its movement if they would want to survive and be available as strategic power in deciding the pace of changes. As a progressive Muslim women movement, it was expected that ‘Aisyiyah would have constructive role in advancing the life quality of Indonesia. (dzar)

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