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UHAMKA hosts the second APPRITTL meeting

Jakarta, University of Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. Hamka (UHAMKA) hosted the second meeting of Asian Policy, Practice, and Research in Learning Technology transformed (APPRITTL). International meeting attended by delegates from Taiwan, Hongkong, Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, Singapore and Indonesia was held in the Main Building UHAMKA, Pasar Rebo, Jakarta, (30 / 9) 2011.

UHAMKA Rector, Prof.. Dr. H. Suyatno, M. Pd asserted that APPRITTL is a non-profit organization with an interest in policy, practice, and research on the utilization of information and communication technology (ICT) for learning.

The second APPRITTL meeting held at UHAMKA, continued Prof. Suyatno is the follow up of previous APPRITTL meeting at the National Central University (NCU) Taiwan in 2010.

"I welcome and feel proud of UHAMKA for being appointed to be the host of the second meeting of APPRITTL. In this international forum, UHAMKA is the only representative of Indonesia in APPRITL, "he told reporters.

The Rector of UHAMKA adds that the main goal of this international meeting is to share knowledge, views and experiences of experts and professionals in the field of learning, information and communication technologies, and technology education in order to integrate the technologies in learning. 

The international meeting lasted from 30 September to 1 October 2011 were divided into two sessions. The first session, a workshop followed by limited APPRITL team, including Prof. No Wai Chan from the National Central University, Taiwan, Prof. Fu Yun Yu-Kuhng from the National Cheng University, Taiwan, Prof. Lunar Abubakar from the University of Putera Malaysia, Prof. Wong Su Luan from University Putera Malaysia, Dr. Siu Cheung Kong from the Hong Kong Institute of Education, Prof. Riichiro Mizoguchi from Osaka University, Japan, Dr. Hartoyo, Muhammad Lukman MA, Prof.. Dr. Suyatno, M. Pd, Dr. Suryoputro Gunawan, Dr. Muchdie MS, Drs. Zamah sari, M. Ag, Dr. Pudjo Sumedi and lecturers from UHAMKA.

The limited workshop covered a number of issues related to research, practice and policy in a technology-based learning.
The forum also reviewed the Asian Pacific Society for Computer in Education (APSCE) and the International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE) and the conversations of the third APPRITL meeting, exchanging of information about the seminars, symposia and possible cooperation among countries.

The second session of the International Seminar held on October 1, 2011 with keynote speaker Prof. Dr. Romy Zowksy, the information technology experts from Syacuse, America, Prof. Riichiro Mizoguchi from Osaka University, Japan. This international seminar was attended by 350 participants from the Ministry of National Education, Muhammadiyah universities (PTM) over Indonesia, international agencies and public and private colleges.

As a university which is being pioneered to international levels, added Prof. Suyatno, UHAMKA needs to expand its network to further improve the quality of its learning process and its management as well. UHAMKA is ready to learn from other better institutions. UHAMKA agreed that in this technological era, the use of computers with internet is very important in enriching the learning methods of students in learning. Information and communication technology (ICT) is also very important for faculty and staff. Utilization of ICT in the learning process can make students and teachers are more comfortable, more attractive and more helpful in the learning process.

"I believe that this international forum will have a positive impact on UHAMKA associated with the increased learning success through information and communication technology (ICT). For ICT will encourage students to absorb a lot of knowledge being transferred lecturer, "he said.

Prof. Suyatno confirmed the appointing UHAMKA to be host of the second meeting of APPRITTL increasingly shows the public that UHAMKA is ready to go to the World Class University. Besides, UHAMKA will increase cooperation with various local universities and abroad.

(trans by hm-uhamka)


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