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Home/ News/ Mufidah Kalla Wanted Muhammadiyah Encouraged Micro Economy

Mufidah Kalla Wanted Muhammadiyah Encouraged Micro Economy

Jakarta – The Wife of Vice-President of Indonesia who was also the Chairman of Dewan Kreativitas Nasional, Mufidah Kalla wanted Muhammadiyah through its Economy Council to always be creative and productive in its efforts in raising more micro economy of Indonesia people.

This was stated by Mufidah Kalla when she opened Muhammadiyah Expo 2015 that was a part of Pre-event for the 47th Muktamar at the east side of silang Monas, Central Jakarta, on Thursday (05/29). Furthermore, Mufidah hoped that Muhammadiyah Expo became the place for developing creativity for Muhammadiyah entrepreneur and also the general public. Similar to Mufidah, the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Central Executive, Bambang Sudibyo also stated that Muhammadiyah besides giving contribution in education and health sector also had committed in developing economy sector that became the power and foundation in its steps. “Muhammadiyah is committed of becoming the economy power that existed under the Economy and Entrepreneurship Council. It is hoped that this can become the power foundation for independency that should indeed be owned by organization like Muhammadiyah,” he explained.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat (MPR RI) Zulfikli Hasan who was also present in the event stated that Muhammadiyah would hold the 47th Muktamar Muhammadiyah on the next August and he hoped that the forum that would be held in Makassar, Muhammadiyah would be able to enrich and strengthen welfare vision based on micro economy sector so that they would have maximum contribution in the development of the country. Muhammadiyah Expo presented more than a hundred micro economy business stands, which exhibited creative products starting from crafts to foods and beverages products. (mac)

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