Makassar- Public Empowerment Council (MPM) of Muhammadiyah South Sulawesi, together with PT JAPFA, immediately realizes a working program in professional chicken breeding training for 6 months by using curriculum arranged together adopting public empowerment and spiritual intelligence-based training model.
That was stated by Husni Yunus, the chairman of MPM Muhammadiyah of South Sulawesi Province during the meeting with a team from JAPFA consisting of Ir. Murad, Ir.Amril Conneng Malabassang, Ir.Ruhul Arqam Zainuddin,M.Sc. The members of MPM Muhammadiyah being present were Sukardi Mulyadi, Nasrullah Rahim, Mahung Sangaji,Yahya Mustafa on friday (30/09/2011) at Rumah Kopi, Jl.Sultan Alauddin no. 27 Makassar.
Ir.Murad, a team member from JAPFA, said that the program is expected to be able to give the best for South Sulawesi people, especially in giving professional training in the field of animal breeding, so the problem of chicken breeding can run well as well as economic aspect. Furthermore chicken breeding business in the future can be a pillar in building public economy. In the meantime Husni Yunus hopes this cooperation program can build public economy in the grassroots. "The program can increase the economy of Muhammadiyah members and people. Moreover, this program done with people empowerment and public economy-based program will give positive effect for the grassroots."
The training program will be done on October 17, 2011 for 6 months taking place at Pusat Dakwah Muhammadiyah building on Jl.Perintis kemerdekaan no. 38 Makassar, and it will be attended by 25 participants representing MPM Muhammadiyah all over South Sulawesi. The trainers are a team from PT JAPFA and MPM Muhammadiyah Sulsel. During the training, the participants will get theoretical and practical knowledge in breeding location. They will also do apprenticeship during the training.
(trans by hamzah - uhamka)