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Aisyiyah anniversary, from social action to mass recitation


Denpasar – Coming close to its century age, Aisyiyah commits itself as a socio-religious organizations concerned with national problems. Aisyiyah Bali Regional leaders held a series of events to commemorate its 97th anniversary.

Activities done were social charity and Nutritious Food for the Elderly Movement around Denpasar, various competitions like recitation short chapter from Quran for students of Aisiyah kindergarten in Bali, Tartil Quran for Aisyiyah kindergarten teachers all over Bali, Tartil for PDA, PCA and PRA across Bali, as well as writing short stories for Islamic teachers, leaders, members Aisyiyah.

In addition, discussion about recent culture of divorce, a seminar on cooperatives and women economic empowerment, as well as the extension of manufacture and packaging of food worth selling were also held. Furthermore, organization consolidation and dissemination of results from National meeting and the Tabligh Akbar were also conducted at the event presenting Chairman of Aisyiyah Central Executive also as rector of the University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Prof Dr Hj Masyitoh Chusnan, M. Ag, Sunday (02/10/2011) at Hotel Grand Shanti Denpasar

According to the SC Chairman of Aisyiyah anniversary PWA Bali, Ir Taqwalin, a series of events was deliberately packed of the anniversary considering the Aisyah organization is component of the nation's which is partly responsible for advancing the nation to take part in all areas of life. "To that end, in Bali, as government partners, our programs are in line with government programs such as the formation of character education, community economic enhancement, environmental, gardening, and HIV / AIDS," said Taqwalin.

Taqwalin added that social problems in Bali need serious attention by all components of society including Aisyiyah inside. Quite a lot of problems Bali faces today, including poverty, unemployment, corruption, poor quality of women, human trafficking, gap spirituality, and others. The anniversary theme this time is the Nation Character Development to Strengthen Economic and Welfare Improvement of People. While consolidation organization takes the theme, Affirmation Ideology, Competence and Cadre Integrity, Aisyiyah towards Civil Society.

In the Tabligh Akbar presented by the Central Executive Chairman of Aisyiyah, Prof. Dr. Masyitoh Chusnan conveyed that the character development process of the nation should start from the increase in the quality of economic of its people as well as people improvement, so that people can become more prosperous. In particular the role of Aisyiyah is eagerly awaited by the public to immediately prove its motion primarily on women's issues in Indonesia today.


(trans by hm-uhamka)

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