University of Muhammadiyah North Sumatra (UMSU) establishes cooperation in medicine with the University of North Sumatra (USU).
As a form of cooperation, the draft of memorandum of understanding/MoU was signed by the Rector of UMSU Drs Agussani, MAP, and Rector USU Prof. Dr. dr. Syahril Pasaribu, DTM & H, MSc (CTM). SP.A (K), in USU Rector meeting room, Monday (3 / 10).
The signing of the MoU was witnessed by Vice Rector, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine USU Prof. dr Gontar, SpPDKGEH, Chairman of the Regional executive of Muhammadiyah (PWM) Sumut Prof. Dr. Asmuni, MA, elements of BPH UMSU Firdaus Naly and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine UMSU, Dr. Ade Taufiq, SpOG.
USU Rector Prof. Syahril Passaribu welcomed this cooperation for the development of both Faculties of Medicine.
According to USU Rector, the MoU is the first step of cooperation for the implementation of existing legal umbrella. "The MoU was signed by a kind of law umbrella for the next step. Our cooperation has been easy to implement, "he said.
Meanwhile, The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine UMSU dr. Ade Taufiq, Sp.OG says, FK UMSU has a permanent faculty and continue to enhance medical student learning support facilities. UMSU has many lecturers schooled to reach Starata Strata 2 and 3.
Besides, the Rector of UMSU Drs. Agussani, MAP said, cooperation is quite strategic. He is optimistic that this cooperation can be mutually give insight to the development and advance the Faculty of Medicine UMSU.
According to Rector Agussani, UMSU chooses cooperation with USU for the Faculty of Medicine is the oldest and renowned faculty. In addition, FK USU has a lot of specialists and great number of lecturers in medical field. "This collaboration greatly helps the development of FK UMSU," he said.
Ketua PWM Sumut Prof Asmuni dan unsur BPH UMSU Firdaus Naly mendukung kerjasama yang dilaksanakan Rektor Agussani ini. Mereka menyatakan ini terobosan yang baik untuk mengembangkan lembaga pendidikan Muhammadiyah. “Memang, UMSU jika ingin lebih maju lagi harus menjalin kerjasama dengan semua pihak,” ujar Prof Asmuni.
The chairman of PWM North Sumatra Prof. Asmuni and BPH elements UMSU Firdaus Naly support the cooperation implemented by the Rector Agussani. They claim this is good for developing a breakthrough educational institutions of Muhammadiyah. "Indeed, if UMSU want to be more advanced it has to establish cooperation with all parties," said Prof. Asmuni.
After signing the MoU, the UMSU and USU rectors exchanged souvenirs.
(Trans by hm-uhamka)