Makassar -Rector of the University of Muhammadiyah Makassar, Dr. H. Irwan Akib, MPd, inaugurated Drs. KH. Jayatun, MA (Director), Drs.Husni Yunus, M. Pd, (Secretary) Education of Legal Affairs Committee of Ulema Cadre Muhaammadiyah, the University of Muhammadiyah Makassar, located in the auditorium Al Amin, Sultan Alauddin Road No. 259 Makassar, on Sunday (10.16.2011), attended also by executive members of Muhammadiyah over south Sulawesi as well as colleagues of Unismuh.
The Unismuh rector, Dr.Irwan Akib, said the presence of education of Ulema cadres was to answer answers for the people of Muhammadiyah in particular and Muslims in general about the worries of scholar crisis, students would be trained in four years and are given free lodging facility as well as free tuition and to use the boarding school system to be directly trained by team of sholars such as KH.Djamaluddin Amien, Drs.KH.Jayatun, MA, Drs.KH.Baharuddin Pagim, Drs.KH.Ali Hasan, Drs.KH.Syamsuddin Razak, MA, and a number of other teacher team from Muhammadiyah Legal Affairs assembly of South Sulawesi, in addition, the students receive lessons in Arabic and English. This boarding school model was rather interesting, because incorporating classical and modern methods, in addition to the implementation process is to use the campus in the middle of town occupying Rusunawa.
Drs.KH.AlwiUddin, M. Ag, Chairman of Muhammadiyah South Sulawesi, expected this Unismuh ulema cadre education, could be able to run smoothly and be professionally managed so that in a relatively short time it can produce a cadre of scholars who are able to perform serving the Muslims, that recently have been experiencing the lack of the da'wa method which is grounded and soar, meaning that ulema who could give da’wah materials directly touching the lives of the people.
(trans by hm-uhamka)