Ternate– The Regional executive Conference (Konpiwil) Muhammadiyah Student Association (IPM) will be held at Ternate North Maluku, at 27 to 30 October 2011. Though, the activities of Pre-Konpiwil have already been done by the Local Organizing Committee (Panlok) Konpiwil, within the framework of Pre-Konpiwil IPM, the panlok did Environmental Hygiene activities, realized by performing clean-up in the market Gamalama, 15 minutes from the office of Mayor of Ternate.
This activitylasted for 4 hours starting at 07:00 to 11:00 WIT. The market clean-up event is assisted by relevant agencies, such as the Department of Hygiene and city cropping, the Fire station, civil police, and the Department of Youth and Sports of Ternate and attended by the Regional Secretary of Ternate, H. Isnain Haji Ibrahim. In addition, it is also enlivened by a whole cadre of IPM Ternate from Muhammadiyah schools in Ternate.
"In order to assist the government of Ternate to obtain Adi Pura from the Central Government in Jakarta, we therefore make every effort to host this IPM Konpiwil be clean and green", says Chairman of PW IPM North Maluku, Ja'far Dahlan.
(trans hm-uhamka)