Ternate - On Thursday afternoon (27/10) at the auditorium of Muhammadiyah University of North Maluku (UMMU), Central Executive of Muhammadiyah Student Association (IPM) did the opening ceremony of Regional Executive Conference (Konpiwil) around Indonesia in Ternate from October 27 to 30, 2011. Kopinwil was attended by 25 Regional Executives by sending their representatives to be the conference participants.
Opening speech is started with the report from the General Chairman of IPM North Maluku, Jafar Dahlan. Then it was followed General Chairman of PP IPM, Slamet Nur Achmad Effendy, UMMU Rector Dr. Kasman. After that the event was officially opened by Ternate Mayor, followed by the staff of Forestry Minister for Social Field, Bang Ali Taher Parasong. The event was closed by Drs. Dahlan Rais, M.Hum from Muhammadiyah Central Executive.
UMMU auditorium was full with students across Ternate who joined the opening ceremony. Before the event was closed, PP IPM gave a token of appreciation to the chairman of PP Muhammadiyah, the chairman of PW IPM Malut, the chairman of DPD IMM Malut, UMMU rector and Menhut staff, Ali Taher Parasong.
At 17.00 Western Indonesian Time, Konpiwil participants went back to a hotel to join next session, namely first pleno about conference regulations, followed by the report on the policy of PP IPM in half period 2010-2012. The next day (28/10) at UMMU auditorium, there was a seminar and discussion with KPK chairman Busyro Muqoddas with the theme "Corruption Eradication to Increase the Quality of Education."
(trans by hamzah - uhamka)