Malang- As many as 40 students from 6 muhammadiyah universities (PTM) across East Java joined surveyor training for mapping Muhammadiyah schools in East Java at UMM (Muhammadiyah University of Malang) campus for 2 days, Friday and saturday (28-29/10). They were trained by 12 lecturers from UMM and some other trainers from Muhammadiyah Regional Executive (PWM) East Java.
UMM sent 33 students, Muhammadiyah University of Sidoarjo (Umsida) 8, Muhammadiyah University of Gresik (UMG) 13, Muhammadiyah University of Jember (UMJ) 12, Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo (UMP) 20, and Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya (UMS) 10.
The Chairman of Dikdasmen (Elementary and Middle Education) Council of PWM East Java, Dr. Biyanto, M.Ag, says that the training aims for supporting task to Muhammadiyah schools in East Java. Nowadays there are 937 Muhammadiyah schools in East Java consisting of SD/MI (elementary school), SMP/MTs (Junior High School) and SMA/SMK/MA (Senior High School).
“All schools will be visited by trained surveyors later. The goal is to map potensial and problems of Muhammadiyah schools in order to build Muhammadiyah Branded School Program,' said Biyanto. It means Muhammadiyah schools must be a supreme, competitive, dignifies school with character and synergy.
UMM Deputy Rector II, Mursidi, admits that Muhammadiyah has impression as an organization that has a lot of educational fields, but not all schools are qualified. "There are very good schools, middle, and bad," said Mursidi. That's why mapping is needed to find best solution.
This training, according to Mursidi, is very strategic for Muhammadiyah in order that the good brand of Muhammadiyah in managing education can be maintained. That;s why this step is very exact.
For the trainees, Mursidi expects that this event can be service and a closer relationship with Muhammadiyah organization. Students will know how difficult it is to manage Muhammadiyah schools, so they have emphaty to help increase the schools' quality.
“All of you have got Research Methodology and Statistics course, so I hope you can be more seroius to map Muhammadiyah schools. You can also use this action for a final project and propose a solution to the problem faced by the school," said Mursidi.
Mursidi says nowadays research is the main nned for companies, government, organizations, and state and private schools. With good research, handling problem will be more acurate. He gives the example of UMM that always does survey toward prospective students to get what the students want from UMM, so the programs developed are always based on the research.
The participants were given important materials fro two days, among others, orientation on Muhammadiyah education, Muhammadiyah Branded School, mapping design of Muhammadiyah schools, school mapping instruments, and educational performance. By the end of training, the participants will join survey practice in Muhammadiyah schools in Malang before going to all Muhammadiyah schools in East Java. (
(trans by hamzah - uhamka)