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Series of Muhammadiyah 102 Anniversary of South Jakarta

Jakarta – The series of Muhammadiyah 102 anniversary at South Jakarta city administration was marked by the Joint Inaugural Regional and branch executives period 2010-2015 of Muhammadiyah across Jakarta by the Executive Board of Muhammadiyah Jakarta. The event took place on Saturday, October 29, 2011 at Soldier Hall Marine Corps, Cilandak, South Jakarta.

The inauguration was witnessed by the Central Executive (PP) Muhammadiyah Dr. HA. Fattah Wibisono, Chairman of the PDM Drs. H. Daliman Sofyan, M. Pd and Secretary of the PDM, Subhan Wahyudi along with dozens of other officials formally inaugurated by the PWM Jakarta.

Before the inauguration ceremony many attractions from Muhammadiyah schools in South Jakarta were shown. The event began with a marching band students of SD Muhammadiyah 06 East Tebet, and SD Muhammadiyah 12 Pamulang. Bands parade around the yard with Parker Hall Soldiers accompanied by bicycle attraction from the Community Bicycle Muhammadiyah Kebayoran Lama. The event was continued with a Marawis performance at the Hall of SMK Muhammadiyah 9 Kebayoran Lama, Violin by SMP Muhammadiyah 8 Kebayoran Baru, Angkung Music by Muhammadiyah elementary school 5 students Kebayoran Baru, attraction of Hisbul Wathan SMP Muhammadiyah 8 Kebayoran bary, Saman dance from SMA Muhammadiyah 18 Kebayoran Lama, Male martial art from Darunnajah Muhammadiyah Islamic boarding School, as well as Choir from SMA Muhammadiyah 25 Pamulang.

In his speech, chairman of the PDM South Jakarta, Drs. H. Daliman Sofyan, M. Pd confirms that the PDM and PCM South Jakarta inauguration have given special meaning for the regional as well as branch of Muhammadiyah. Since the inauguration can be seen as a moment of re-launching of organizational commitment to advancing the people, nation, world and humanity.

In this period, continued Daliman Sofyan, PDM South Jakarta focuses on some excellent programs, among others, development of charitable efforts of Muhammadiyah, the optimization of the Legal Affairs Committee cadre of scholars, preachers Corps to improve the quality of the Muhammadiyah, and pioneered the establishment of micro finance institutions, such as cooperatives and BMT.

Those witnessed and gave speech particularly the Mayor of South Jakarta, H. Syahrul Effendi, SH, MM, chariman of PP Muhammadiyah Dr. HA. Fattah Wibisono, MA. and Chairman of PWM DKI Jakarta Prof. Dr. H. Agus Suradika, M.Pd.

According to Syahrul Effendi, as a social organization, Muhammadiyah has been doing enough to foster better race through the world of education and social activities. The inaugurated regional and branch executives of Muhammadiyah Jakarta are expected to continue to guide the morality and people so that the city can become more religious.

"Amid the increasingly swift of current globalization, it is expected that PDM and the PCM continue to guide the morality and the people. This is a tough challenge for the PDM and the PCM," said Mayor of South Jakarta.

Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah, Dr. HA. Fattah Wibisono, MA. appreciated that the PDM and PCM South Jakarta are enough to work hard in morality and to guide the people, either through education or through missionary movement.

In addition, any kemuhammadiyah activity held by PDM and PCM should involve government officials. As this indicates that the Muhammadiyah as race-based community organizations establishes good relations with the government.

Dr. H. AF Wibisono, MA who is also chairman of the daily governing body (BPH) University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka (UHAMKA) mentioned some messages to the newly inaugurated regional and branch executives.

First, every regional and branch executives of Muhammadiyah should always be close to Allah SWT. This closeness is implemented by running mahdhah compulsory worship such as prayer obligatory coupled with night prayers (tahajud). It is very important in the quest for spiritual reinforcement.

Second, every regional and branch executives of Muhammadiyah should continue to add scientific insight.

Third, every regional and branch executives of Muhammadiyah should build a network and cooperation with any group for the betterment of the people, nation and state.

The event ended with giving awards to Muhammadiyah students who are excellent as an expression of interest and motivation from PDM Muhammadiyah South Jakarta to all muhammaidyah students to advance and achieve best in the future. (


(trans by hm-uhamka)

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