Medan- Notary Program at Graduate School of UMSU (Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatera) that has been established for two years is getting more popular and gets people's trust. Its existence completes other graduate programs that have existed earlier at UMSU.
Although it has accepted new students for four times, the program has had hundreds of students. It is expected that by the end of this year, the program will produce its first graduate. "Nowadays, some students have presented their research," said the chairman of the program, Dr H Surya Perdana,SH, when answering the questions from media coming to the campus location on Jl. Gedung Arca Medan No.53 on Thursday (27/10/2011).
Whne being visited, Surya Perdana was preparing accreditation for the program. The assessment will be done by the end of this coming November. Before the assessor team comes, the notary program, together with other programs, did pre-accreditation.
Notary program of UMSU graduate school invited Prof Cristantinus Dwiatmadja Phd from Satyawacana University in Salatiga to be a keynote speaker for the pre-accreditation event.
Surya Perdana, accompanied by UMSU Public Relation, Anwar Bakti and the program secretary Dr Ahmad Fauzi SH,M.K.n say they hope to get "A" for the accreditation. "We expect the best, but it is not us who decide. so, we just do our best," said Ahmad Fauzi.
Nowadays, the program is the only notary program owned by a private university in North Sumatera. This program is opened based on the Decision of Directorate General of Higher Education of National Education Department of the Republic of Indonesia no. 115/9/D/T/2009 dted July 15, 2009.
Surya Perdana menambahkan,saat ini minat masyarakat untuk melanjutkan studi ke jenjang pendidikan magister kenotariatan lumayan tinggi.Hal ini kata Surya dibuktikan degan banyaknya mahasiswa baru yang mengambil program ini.Mereka datang dari Medan,Siantar, hingga Banda Aceh.
Surya Perdana says that when BAN PT (National Accreditation Body) has released the decision, the number of students will increase. "Within only two years, we have got many students," said Surya Perdana
The program has some good lecturers from UMSU, USU (North Sumatera University), and some famous universities in Jakarta. To strengthen the program, UMSU does cooperation with USU. "The rectors from the two universities have just singed the MoU," siad he.
The cooperation according to Surya focuses more on teaching and research in notary Those who have finished the program can get the title "M.Kn". They will get academic skill, expertise, and special skill to do the job as a notary publc who wil be a public official based on the values of religion, justice, truth, and humanity.
In society, notary science has key position, especially in the field of law agreement. The importance of the profession is shown by the increasing number of contracts made before the notary public. The vision of the program is developing law science having superior competiton by the creation of new concepts. The mission is producing the graduates having ability in developing law science in general and notary law in special aw well as having skills in making a contract.
There are main goals of the program. First, it creates ecademic atmosphere conducively supported by adequate facilities to produce human resources having high academic competency to invent, form, apply law science, and serve public well. Second, it increases the productivity and quality of human resources who are able to see and analyze law problem wisely based on law principles. Third, it increases the ability to have professional competency in notary and special law, so the graduates are able to do the job as a inhouse lawyer on company or law firm and PPAT.
The program has several teaching staff. They are Rector Drs Agussani MAP, Deputy Rector I Drs Armansah MM, Deputy Rector II H.Suhrawardi K Lubis SH.SpN. Graduate School Secretary Hj.Masita Pohan SH.M.Hum, Head of Law Graduate School DR.H Surya Perdana SH.M.Hum, and the program secretary Dr.Ahmad Fauzi SH,M.Hum.
Registration qualifications are Bachelor's degree in Law, GPA 2,75, applicaton form with legalized Bachelor diploma and transcript, picture with 2x 3 ,2x4,4x6 size for 5 pieces each, registration fee Rp 300.000, 2 recommendation letters from 2 people (about academic performance of the prospective student)
(trans by hamzah - uhamka)