Jakarta- The problem of Papua nowadays is caused by the governmental policy that does not care for right of people in Papua and by wide space for foreign investors to dredge and exploit natural resources there. Therefore, the government should rearrange the existing policies to make Papuans prosperous.
That was stated by General Chairman of Muhammadiyah Central Executive, Din Syamsuddin, when meeting the delegation of 'Forum Peradilan dan Perdamaian untuk Papua dan Kalimantan' (Justice and Peace Forum for Papua and Kalimantan) at dakwah building of PP Muhammadiyah in Jakarta on Wednesday (02/11/2011). “We urge and ask the government to rearrange developmental policies in Papua. Besides, foreign investors should not ignore the rights of local people," Said Din. According to Din, the approach done by using military ways will make the problem bigger. Therefore, it needs persuasive approach and dialog by supporting justive feeling for Papuans. The problems in Papua and Kalimantan are not only natural disaster but also discrimination, social economic gap, and exploitation.
"Thus, we may not surrender to global capitalism that is being critisized in its original country. The government shoul open a chance for national policy action, namely constitutional economy based on people economy," Din said. The meeting was attended by 15 people representing Papua and Kalimantan led by the board of Konferensi Wali Gereja Indonesia or the Indonesian Bishop Conference (KWI) Father Siswantoko.
(trans by hamzah - uhamka)