Sleman – In an effort to do rehabilitation for people living on the slope of Mount Merapi, after the eruption in 2010, Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center (MDMC) and LAZISMU will do kurban (animal sacrifice) on Idul Adha 1432 in the Hijr calendar. One hundred sheep collected by LAZISMU will be slaughtered at Hunian Sementara (Huntara or Temporary Residence) Gondang 2, Cangkringan, Sleman as a center that can reach other Huntara and people living nearby.
“People living in Huntara has made their own committee, assissted by Muhammadiyah volunteers”, said the manager of MDMC's economic rehabilitation program, Sarniah (1/11/2011). Sarniah also says the program will be coordinated with kurban done by the big family of Muhammadiyah Sleman at other Huntara such as Kuwang. “This program is a part of 'Program Kurban Pak Kumis' that is a cooperation program between LAZISMU and Metro TV,” said Sani.
Apart from Idul Adha prayer, the event will be continued with free medical exam given by PKU Muhammadiyah hospital of Bantul. There will also be entertainment on bicycle attraction from Flixie Bicycle Community of Yogyakarta. "MDMD will keep supporting the victims of Mount Merapi eruption. Besides economic recovery, we do strong community development as an inseparable part," said Sarni (arif)
(trans by hamzah - uhamka)