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Graduate School of UMSU does pre-accreditation

Medan- Graduate program of UMSU (Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatera) did pre-accreditation preparation workshop from Oct 26 to 27, 2011. The programs that will be facing accreditation are Notary, Management, Communications, Accountancy, and Law. The workshop for pre-accreditation lasted at graduate school campus on jl. Gedung Arca no 53 in Medan.

The keynote speaker was Prof Christianus Dwiatmadja Phd from Satya Wacana University of Salatiga, Central Java. That was said by UMSU Public Relation, Anwar Bakti, when answering some questions from media coming to cover the event (27/10/2011).

"We hope this year the graduate school's rank increases," said Anwar. UMSU is doing improvement in all aspects, especially in academic aspect in order to be able to compete and keep up with development.

Facilities are also improved. According to Anwar, new buildings completed with supporting facilities are built, so civitas academica feel comfortable being in the campus surrounding.

The event was attended by the study program heads: Dr.H.Surya Perdana, Dr.Drs.Iskandar Zulkarnain M.Si, Drs.H.M.Efendi Pakpahan,M.M(Cand Dr), Dr Widia Astuty S.E.Msi,Ak,QIA, and a rector expert staff Dr.Muhyarsyah,SE,M.Si.

In the event that lasted for 2 days, UMSU Rector Drs.Agussani MAP gave guidance in order that the graduate school does innovation, so the school interests many people.

"we are optimistic that Graduate Programs at UMSU will interest people because we keep impoving our service and quality," said the rector to journalists. "Alhamdulillah we already pass some alumni for notary program. we hope the alumni can work well in society."

(trans by hamzah - uhamka)

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