Makassar- The chairman of Muhammadiyah Regional Executive Sulsel (South Sulawesi) Drs.KH. Alwi Uddin,M.Ag supports best Muhammadiyah cadres such as Ir.HM.Syaiful Saleh,M.Si (candidate for Makassar Mayor ), Dr.H.Mustari Bosra,MA (candidate for Gowa Regent ), Arqam Asikin,M.Si (candidate for Pare-pare Mayor ), Drs.Sukardi Mulyadi and Drs.H.Mahung Sangaji,M.Pd (candidate for Bulukumba Regent and Vice Regent) to take part in next Pilkada (Regional Executive Election). That was stated after welcoming Ilham Arif Sirajuddin during silaturahmi (friendly meeting) at Pusdam Muhammadiyah on Jl. Perintis kemerdekaan no. 38 Makassar on Wednesday ( 02 /11/2011). All council and autonomous organization chairmans were present at the event.
KH. Alwi Uddin hopes that all Muhammadiyah cadres competing in Pilkada struggle by not using Muhammadiyah as the power of political party because Muhammadiyah is not a political party but mass organization. Mass organization may not become a political vehicle. Besides, Muhammadiyah cadres competing in Pilkada do not take part through political party but through independent door. That is a good way because political condition nowadays doesn't support Muslim.
For Makassar Pilkada, the chance for HM. Syaiful Saleh is very big because nowadays the power of Muhammadiyah members in Makasar is very strong. The number of teachers and students is the real power. Muhammadiyah young cadres are a good success team of every Pilkada. This is the proper time for them to win Muhammadiyah cadres.
(trans by hamzah - uhamka)