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UMM involves health experts to check animals for sacrifice


Malang- Based on a circulation letter from Muhammadiyah Central Executive concerning the decision on 10 Dzulhijjah in the Hijr calendar, Muhammadiyah University of Malang (UMM) did Idul Adha prayer on Sunday (6/11). UMM performed the prayer on two locations:  helipad kampus III Jl. Tlogomas and the kampus square II on Jl. Sumbersari, Malang.
The committee chair of Idul Adha 1432H UMM, Prof. Dr. Ir. Wahyu Widodo, MP, said at the two locations, there was animal sacrifice on the same day. At the different location, the front yard of KH Bedjo mosque located in the area of UMM hospital, the animal sacrifice lasted on Monday (7/11).
The number of Jamaah (people coming fro prayer) has been expected to increase. Last year at campus II there were 400-500 jamaah, this year reaching 600 jamaah. At campus III, there were 5.000 jamaah, this year reaching 6.500. “We see from last year Idul Adha, that's why we prepare larger place," said Wahyu.
The Chairman of Muhammadiyah Regional Executive of East Java, Drs. Nurcholis Huda, MSi became the preacher at campus III, while Dr. Ermanu Azizulhakim, MT,  the lecturer of engineering faculty, was the preacher at campus II. Both talked about altruism through kurban (animal scarifice) as the implementation of faith and Islamism.
In the meantime, the animal health team from UMM also checked the animals for sacrifice. They were lecturers, vets, and laboratory staff of the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry led by Wahyu Widodo. “Our duty is to make sure the animal for sacrifice are healthy and safe for consumption,' Wahyu said.
UMM accepted 16 cows and 20 sheep from lecturers and employees. The money was deducted from salary. Wahyu expalined that they distributed the kurban meat to Muhammadiyah district and subdistricts. The meat was also distribuited to people living around the campus. There were 3,300 coupons.
“Kurban is a symbol of our loyalty to God. This is the manifestation of Tauhid (belief in God) materialized in socail care to ather human being," said Mursid.
(trans by hamzah - uhamka)

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