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Democracy to refer Pancasila

Yogyakarta-Democracy which is now occurring in Indonesia tends to be uncontrolled and lack of sense of responsibility. Disunity and conflicts between tribes, the conflict between community and government often occur. This is misalignment of character values ​​ofPancasila as an ideology of the nation. Supposedly, the principles of democracy must refer to the 4th principle of Pancasila, which upheld the deliberation and consensus.

This was spoken byDr. Dyah Mutiarin, Lecturer of Government Science, University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IP UMY), after the seminar "The socialization of Pancasila, the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, 1945, the Republic of Indonesia, and Unity in Diversity" on Saturday (12/11) morning. The event was organized by Jusuf Kalla School of Government (Master of Science UMY government) at the Integrated Campus UMY presenting Drs. Afnan Hadi Kusumo, Member of the DPD, as the speaker.

Dyahadded that currently, it is prominent for the people of Indonesia to instill Pancasila as philosophy in social life. "We must return to the Pancasila, in order to establish similarities in addressing the differences. Indonesia is a nation of diverse, both from the ethnic, cultural, religious, or other, so that the magnanimity to appreciate each other must continue to be nurtured, "he explained.

Meanwhile Drs. Afnan Hadi Kusumo, invites Indonesians to return to their Indonesian. "Currently, the political crisis raises political criminal. Development of the mentality of the elites of government and some people is shallow, bringing out the people who are less visionary. So that the spirit of diversity and unity of all Indonesian defeated by a narrowed ideology of religious and regionalism. Religious but it is in the "laziness of religion ', not to balance social and individual piety, "he said.


(trans by hm-uhamka)

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