Jakarta, Monday, November 14, 2011, Located in Building Muhammadiyah Da'wah Center Jl. Menteng Raya 62 Central Jakarta, Chairman of Muhammadiyah Launched National Activity "No Smoking Zone" (KTR) in all institutions, facilities, and Muhammadiyah forum. The national launching of "No Smoking Area" is to socialize to the executives of Muhammadiyah, the leader and organizer of charitable efforts, facilities and forum in Muhammadiyah, which is also information to the public, that Muhammadiyah organization, founded by KH Ahmad Dahlan since 1912 and has now already been at the age of a century launches the area without smoking.
According to the chairman of Muhammadiyah Central Executive Syafiq A. Mughni, through this launching then it is officially declared that all offices of the Muhammadiyah, charitable efforts, as well as the official of Muhammadiyah forums is the "No Smoking Zone" and declared to be free from tobacco. This is in line with regulation no. 36 Year 2009 on Health stating that health development should be aimed at raising awareness, willingness and ability to live a healthy society as high as an investment for the development of community resources, one of which is mentioned in Article 115 of the application of No smoking area.
But on the other hand Syafiq also asserts, that the launching is not intended to ban smoking or tobacco cultivation. "What is expected by Muhammadiyah, that smokers should smoke in a "good and right", and it is not conducted in environments like public facilities, public transport, educational institutions, houses of worship etc. as stipulated by the Health Act," he explained.
The launching was attended by Director General of P2PL Ministry of Health Candra Yoga Aditama, Dien Emawati from the Provincial Health Office, Parni Hadi senior reporter/ DNIKS Chairman, Pastor Ronny Mandang the Secretary General of PGLII, and Imam B. Prasodjo, from the Nurani Dunia Foundation. The declaration is also as a form of seriousness of the Muhammadiyah movement in supporting of a healthy life which is in harmony with the theme of the 47th national health day on November 12, 2011.
No Smoking Zone is planned to be implemented in all buildings of Muhammadiyah, hospitals, schools, universities and all the charitable efforts of Muhammadiyah and also the official forums of Muhammadiyah in Indonesia starting from the central leadership level to management level twigs.
(trans by hm-uhamka)