Amman, Jordan- All human problems must be faced by people of all religions. Thus, religion can be a problem solver of people's problems, not part of a problem.
That was stated by the General Chairman of Muhammadiyah Central Executive, Din Syamsuddin, on the 2nd Muslim-Catholic Forum in Aman, Jordania, from Nov 21-24, 2011. Din says religions have differences; however, there are also some similarities. That's why the differences must be brought closer, and the similarities must be improved. "People of religion must reach a meeting point (kalimatun sawa') to face a joint enemy (aduwun sawa'). Joint enemy is not people having a different religion, but human problems such as poverty, ignorance, gap, unfairness, and violence," he said.
2nd Muslim-Catholic Forum was the continuation of the first forum that took place in Vatikan in 2008 and talked about logic, faith, and human. According to Din, the forum must be done in Indonesia because admittedly there are still problems between Muslim and Christian. "This is the right time for us to increase harmony and cooperation between Islam and Christianity," said he.
The forum, according to Din, talked much about substantive but sensitive issues. Yet, everything went to joint understanding for humanity. Although there is a basic difference in theology between Islam and Christianity, both have similar view on goodness. "The forum is very interesting and important. It's different from other dialogs,' he said.
The forum was attended by 48 Muslim and Christian world figures such as Cardinal Tauran (Vatikan), Archbishop Giorgio Lingua (Jordan), Prof. Possenti (Italia), Prof. Christian Troll (Jerman), Prince Ghazi (Jordan), Mufti Bosnia Mustafa Ceric, Prof Tuwijri, Prof Ibrahim Kalin, and Din Syamsuddin (Indonesia).
(trans by hamzah - Indonesia)