Makassar- 'Tarjih Ulema Education' at Muhammadiyah University of Makassar trains 18 people with entrepreneurial education and social and societal research in order that they are able to create job opportunity and see ummah's problems, so they really understand the situation in the field..
That was stated by Husni Yunus,M.Pd, the secretary of PUT-Unismuh at Muhammadiyah University of Makassar on Friday (09/12/2011). Husni Yunus says that the ulema cannot do anything because the ummah don't understand the condition of ulema whose life is very simple. "With the model of entrepreneurial education, they can understand and have knowledge to have strong economy," said he. Husni also says that eventually Muhammadiyah ulema can be economically strong, so they can be a strong model and have strong network with ummah under his guidance.
(trans by hamzah - uhamka)