Malang - one more breakthrough has been done by Muhammadiyah University of Malang (UMM) in the field of new and renewable energy. After being successful in developing Micro Hydro Power Plant (PLTMH), biogas reactor, solar cell, and metan gas capturing lab from final garbage disposal, recently UMM is developing another green technology, namely biofuel biodiesel from jatrofa plant (Ricinus communis). For metan gas UMM cooperated with BGP Engeneer the Netherland, this time UMM cooperates with Korean Consortium Energy Management Cooperation (Kemco).
The Director of Research and Public Service Directorate (DPPM) UMM, Prof. Dr. Bambang Widagdo, says that UMM-Korea cooperation has been done since the last few years. Last month, his party, together with Deputy Director of DPPM, Dr. Ir. Maftuhah, MP and lecturers of Engineering Faculty of UMM, Zamzami Septiropa, was invited to Korea to discuss more deeply on the cooperation. Recently Korea visited UMM to realize the cooperation. The two parties discussed very seriously with the theme “Collaboration Workshop on Green Technology” at senate room of UMM on Wednesday (14/12/2011).
"This is suitable to UMM's consentration to learn and develop alternative energy as the main theme of its research," said Bambang.
Bambang says that Kemco that consists of Korean government, Hanwa Corporation, and Korean Energy and Economic Institute (KEEI) will become an investor, while UMM itself becomes a consortium partner to do research and develop jarak (jatrofa plant). In the meantime, UMM has provided a 150-hectare land. However, the land can possibly develop because jatrofa plant doesn't need special land. The plant can be planted on unproductive land. "The plant can be planted on all areas in Java island," he said.
The representative of Korean government, In Ha Oh, admits that he is happy to be able to cooperate with UMM. He expects the project can give contribution for energy strengthening in the future.
The similar thing is also said by UMM rector, Dr. Muhadjir Effendy, MAP. The problem of energy scarceness has been a global issue, so it needs joint cooperation between institutions and countries. “UMM puts the issue of new and renewable energy to be an important issue," said Muhadjir.
“Insya Allah (God Willing) next year we'll start developing biofuel production. The benefit of the research is for society. One of the benefits is the land planted with Jatrofa can add income for people. The strategic value is biofuel can fulfill national and international need," said Bambang, the Director of CEERD (Center for Energy, Enviroment and Regional Development) UMM. (
(trans by hamzah - uhamka)