Yogyakarta- Yogyakarta is a special city. Various specialties owned by the city are education, leadership, culture, handicraft, culinary, literature, etc. On Sunday (11/12/2011) at 19.30 at Societet Building of Taman Budaya, Yogyakarta on Jalan Sriwedani No. 1 Yogyakarta, Teater Jaringan Anak Bahasa (JAB) of Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) performed a concert titled "Indonesian Poetry Music Concert".
The goal is to reaffirm Yogyakarta as a place where poetry music is born. Yogyakarta has borne outstanding poets artists. Besides, AJB also release 2nd album of poetry music titled "Rindu tak Terucap" on Unspoken Longing.
Nine out of twelve songs existing in the album were sung. Those coming to the event were GBPH Yudaningrat, DIY's Cultural Department Head, Drs. Muchlas, M.T., Deputy Rector III of UAD, Drs. H. Jabrohim, Dra. Triwati Rahayu, M.Hum., as Department Head of Indonesian Language and Literature Education, Mustofa W. Hasyim, and some Yogyakarta artists. The concert becomes cheerful when a song titled "Rimba" and composed by Mustofa W. Hasyim was sung to open the event.
"Hopefully this concert can be a milestone for JAB and Yogyakarta in affirming one of cultural riches, namely poetry music. This is a small gift and our gratitude for the big family of JAB. JAB, we love you," said Latif Setya Nugraha, the manager of Teater JAB, proudly. (www.uad.ac.id)
(trans by hamzah - uhamka)