Yogyakarta- Ideally, campus is one of the instituitons that becomes an example for society. Campus must be able to give changes toward better condition. One of the programs set by UMY is Go Green Campus. The program is set to bring changes for people who care for environment.
That was stated by Prof. Dr. Widjajono Partowidagdo, the Deputy ESDM (Energy and Mineral Resources) Minister after inaugurating Go Green Campus program at UMY (Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta) integrated campus on Monday (19/12).
Widjajono says that this progran gives many benefits. "Go Green program will give benefits such as environmental preservation and renewable energy having potential for society," he said.
Widjajono says that Go Green can give renewable energy. "A lot of trees can give a lot of reneable energy that can be utilized. For example, Brazilian government is successful in making qualified Bioethanol and Biodiesel," he said.
Widjajono hopes Go Green program can give positive changes and something new. "Hopefully, such a program can be set by all institutions so that it gives changes, especially in the field of envoronment and natural resources that igive benefits for Indonesian people," said he. (www.umy.ac.id)
(trans by hamzah - uhamka)