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Visiting UMM, Indonesian Health Minister gives a keynote speech and medical equipment

Malang- Indonesian Health Minister, dr. Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih, MPH, Dr. PH, visited Muhammadiyah University of Malang (UMM) on Saturday (24/12). She gave a keynote speech in the national symposium held by 'Lembaga Pengkajian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Anak (LP3A) UMM' or Women and Children Empowering Institute of UMM at teater UMM Dome.
The symposium took the theme "The Family-based Strategy of Protection and Children's Right Fulfillment  to Optimize Children Growth." Apart from health minister, there were other speakers, such as Vice Governor of East Java Drs. H. Syaifullah Yusuf, member of Indonesian parliament of commision IX Hj. Endang Agustini Syarwan Hamid, SIP, consultant of children growth of RSSA (Pediatric Hospital) Malang Dr. Mardhani Yosoprawoto, Sp. A (K), and the chairman of LP3A Dr. Trisakti Handayani. The event was supported by Indonesian Medical Doctor Association (IDI).
The Chairman of UMM Public Relation, Nasrullah, says that even though the minister's visit is short, she also gives medical equipment for UMM's teaching hospital and inaugurates lecturing building for the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences and the building of  Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE). “In the meantime, Vice Goverment will inaugurate the building for in-house care class III at UMM's teaching hospital," said Nasrullah.
The assisstance from the governor and health minister is part of developing UMM's teaching hospital that is done earlier. The purpose is to operate the service for economy class soon. Now, in-house care building class II assisted by the government of East Java cost Rp 7 billion has been finished, while medical equipment cost Rp. 3 billion from health minister has also been ready. The equipment includes 120 beds, 1 ECG, 1 anesthetic, and 4 incubators.
dr. Irma Suswati, M.Kes, the Dean of Medical Faculty of UMM, says that the visit to Osce building has a very strategic value. This unit is very beneficial to test the skill of medical students thoroughly just like the real medical doctor. The rooms of Osce are set just like a place for medical practice. In this building, there are 14 rooms consisting of 12 examination rooms and 2 rooms for relaxation. Each room has various laboratorium equipment and display tools to test different skills.
“Laboratorium faciliities and supporting facilities of the faculty is to balance between theory and practice, so the faculty graduates are able to apply their knowledge in family, industry, and society," said Irma.
(trans by hamzah - uhamka)

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