Jakarta- University of Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. Hamka (UHAMKA) will host a fine art exhibit with the theme of “Kepada Matahari" or “To The Sun” on January 9-11, 2012. The exhibit that is planned to be officially opened by the Chairman of MPR RI (People Consultative Assembly), Taufik Kiemas, will last at UHAMKA campus in Pasar Rebo, Jakarta.
According to the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Central Executive managing the Council of Environment and Art Institute, H Syukriyanto AR, the exhibit is the third time after being hosted by Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (2010) and Ahmad Dahlan University (2011). “This exhibit proves that Muhammadiyah really appreciates art works produced by artists. Through this exhibit, Muhammadiyah can give contribution in the field of art and culture,” he said to the journalists at Dakwah Building of Muhammadiyah Central Executive in Menteng, Central Jakarta (05/01/2012).
Syukriyanto also says that the exhibit can inspire and open the horizon about art and culture through paintings and calligraphy. “Insya Allah there will be 40 fine art works produced by Muhammadiyah artists,” said he.
(trans by hamzah – uhamka)