Lamongan- Wednesday, December 28, 2011 at least 600 children from kindergarten to the third class of elementary school got together in front of Muhammadiyah educational institution of Godog subdistrict, Laren district, Lamongan regency, East Java, to take part in children creativity contest taking the theme “Terbang Bersama Kreasiku” or “Flying with my Creativity’. According to the committee chair from Muhammadiyah Youth Association (AMM) of Godog subdistrict, Abdullah Faisal, to the editor of Muhammadiyah website on Sunday (08/01/2012), the program is to celebrate Muhammadiyah’s dakwah (Islamic teaching) in the rural area. It takes children segmentation that will attract the attention and pride of the big family of Muhammadiyah in Bojonegoro residency.
The event strongly supported by Muhammadiyah was also supported by Faber-Castell — the biggest and oldest producer of stationary. The company’s commitment can be seen from similar events conducted in several provinces in Indonesia. So far AMM itself has a big role in increasing children’s creativity through educating children at PAUD (early education), TK (kindergarten) owned by Muhammadiyah. This is a synergy event expected by AMM and the sponsor. The participants come from some districts in Lamongan such as Larien, Paciran, Brondong, Solokuro, Gresik, and Tuban.
According to Faishal, the event actually has been a tradition at Muhammadiyah subdistrict of Godog every year. This year is different due to abundant participants and different sponsor. “This event should be continued so that children creativity can develop to national level,” said Abdullah Faisal.
According to SPR Faber-Castle for Bojonegoro and Cepu area, Andik, says that the company needs different atmosphere in every event in cities and malls. "For Lamongan area, we cooperate with AMM for children living faraway from city. We hope we can encourage the spirit of children,” said he.
8 winners of the whole participants will be elected. They belong to the category for coloring (kindergarten) and completing and coloring pictures (elementary school class 1-3). One thing that attracts people’s interest is the first prize. The first winner will go to Faber Castell company and visit Malaysia.
(trans by hamzah – uhamka)