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Home/ News/ Din Syamsuddin lays the cornerstone of PKU Muhammadiyah Lotim hospital

Din Syamsuddin lays the cornerstone of PKU Muhammadiyah Lotim hospital

Lombok Timur –Wednesday afternoon (4/1/3012) located at the area where the hospital of PKU Muhammadiyah Sikur, Lombok Timur (Lotim) is being built, General Chairman of Muhammadiyah Central Executive, accompanied by the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Regional Executive (PWM) opened a series of Milad (anniversary) of Muhammadiyah Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB). The series of Milad events have been done since October 2011 and been filled with seminars, social works, tree planting at the surroundings of Muhammadiyah University of Mataram and Lombok International airport.

Today is the top event of Milad marked by laying the cornerstone of PKU Muhammadiyah Lombok Timur Hospital. The laying down of cornerstone was done by Din Syamsuddin, accompanied by Lotim Mayor, Sukiman Adni, NTB Governer Zainul Majdi, and the Chairman of PWM NTB Ir. H. Subhan.

In his opening remarks, the governor says that in the next year’s Milad, the hospital must have been finished, so it can help NTB people, especially in Lombok Timur Regency. The government is ready to help Muhammadiyah when needed.

Prof. Din Syamsuddin greatly welcomes the building of PKU Muhammadiyah Lotim hospital. Previous PKU Muhammadiyah hospital was built in Bima. Some other regions in NTB are expected to do the same thing.

The series of events are closed today. The next day, the General Chairman of Muhammadiyah Youth Association, Saleh P. Daulay, will come to the event of transfer of command of new Muhammadiyah Youth Organization leader in NTB. The inauguration will be conducted at the auditorium of Muhammadiyah University of Mataram.

(trans by hamzah – uhamka) 


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