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Home/ News/ Tarjih and Tajdid Council of PP Muhammadiyah inaugurates Mudir and Vice Mudir of PUTM

Tarjih and Tajdid Council of PP Muhammadiyah inaugurates Mudir and Vice Mudir of PUTM

Tarjih and Tajdid Council of Muhammadiyah Central Executive (PP Muhammadiyah) officially inaugurates Mudir and Vice Mudir of PTUM (Muhammadiyah Tarjih Ulema Education) on Sunday, 14 Safar 1433 H in a Hijr calendar or January 8, 2012. The event performed at AR Fakhruddin building at Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta was attended by Muhammadiyah Central Executive, Aisyiyah Central Executive, Rector, the Chairman of BPH, Dean of FAI UMY and UAD, BPH PTUM, Tarjih Council Executive, Lecturers and talabah talibat PUTM, and the invitees.

During the event, Prof. Drs. H. Sa'ad Abdul Wahid was inaugurated to be a Mudir (Director) of PUTM for 2011-2016 period. He continues the previous 2006-2011 period.  H. Muhammad Muhajir, Lc. M.A. was inaugurated as a Vice Mudir of PUTM for the same period, replacing Drs. H. Zaini Munir Fadloli, M.Ag.

Prof. Dr. H. Syamsul Anwar, M.A., the Chairman of Tarjih and Tajdid Council of Muhammadiyah Central Executive in his opening remark says that PTUM is very important as a place to educate modern ulema cadres who are hand in hand with Muhammadaiyah as a movement for amar-makruf nahi mungkar (doing good deeds and abandoning bad ones) and tajdid. PUTM is expected to develop outside Yogyakarta, so it can give more ulema contribution to Muhammadiyah.

Similar to the view point, the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Central Executive, Prof. Dr. H. Yunahar Ilyas, Lc. M.A. in his speech says that the existence of PUTM is very important, so talabah and talibat must be serious in studying. In the meantime, other stakeholders must be obliged to support thoroughly especially in fulfilling facilities of PTUM such as PP Muhammadiyah, UMY, UAD, Mu'allimin, Mu'allimaat, etc.

In the future, Mudir and Vice Mudir of PUTM are expected to be able to run the mandate and task given, so it can increase the quality and quantity of PUTM. *amr)

(trans by hamzah – uhamka)


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