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Din Syamsuddin : Muhammadiyah is not against art

Jakarta- The General Chairman of Muhammadiyah Central Executive, Prof. Din Syamsuddin MA, greatly welcomed the exhibit of fine art taking the theme “To The Sun” at main campus of UHAMKA in Pasar Rebo on January 9-11, 2012. The exhibit displayed 46 works of art made by 10 Muhammadiyah artists. According to Din Syamsuddin, it showed that Muhammadiyah has given art and culture enlightenment to the ummah.

“Works of art made by Muhammadiyah artists must be able to give paradigm about the art itself. Art is not what western culture says as freedom and art for art,” said Din in his opening remark on Monday (09/01/2012). For Muslims, according to Din, must have an objective. Art belongs to God. Art is for ‘dakwah’ (Islamic teaching). And art is a way to uphold cultural dakwah. The art produced by Muslim artists must contain ethic and aesthetic and support moral.

Din asks Muhammadiyah artists not to stop working. They must keep creating art to give enlightenment to the ummah. By doing this art exhibit, Din says that Muhammadiyah is not against art. Art is compulsory to ask human being to be close to God. Art and culture performed by artists can be an effective way to do dakwah.  Art is for worship and art is for Islamic dakwah. Din asks Art, Culture, and Sport Institute coordinated by one member of Muhammadiyah Central Executive, H. Syukriyanto AR, to infect art virus in Muhammadiyah environment. The virus infection is not only done by high level but also by low level of Muhammadiyah.

(trans by hamzah – uhamka)



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