Yogyakarta- one cause of global warming is felling down trees without replanting them, using energy lavishly, not optimal paper use. As the form of environmental care, Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta set up a program to make Go Green campus.
That was stated by Sri Atmaja P. Rosyidi, Ph.D, Vice Rector for Student Affairs of UMY after the event of planting 700 trees on Saturday, January 7, 2012 at UMY integrated campus.
Sri explains that the program has been determined this year by all civitas academica. “To realize the Go Green program, we have to start from internal organization such as students, lecturers, employees, and structural officials of UMY,” said he.
“Besides, greenery is also done outside the campus such as on the slope of Mount Merapi, Cangkringan village, Sleman regency. UMY also develops integrated farming laboratory in Brosot Kulonprogo, does efficient energy program, minimizes the use of paper by using technology and recycling waste to make selling value,” said he.
Sri also says that the program will give a positive effect for academic activities at the campus. “When the campus is green, the students will feel more comfortable and focus on taking part in academic activities,” he said.
Sri says that with the program UMY is ready to join Go Green Campus Competition in the international scale. “UMY will also take part in Go Green Campus competition as an indicator to measure the success of the program. If it is successful, the campus will get a certificate as a green campus,” he added.
Finally, Sri hopes that the program will give positive impact for UMY and its surroundings. “Hopefully the program runs successfully and gives positive impact for environment, people living in surroundings, and of course all civitas academica of UMY,” he said.
(trans by hamzah – uhamka)